A few years ago, I was hanging out with a former Bible College room-mate who has been a missionary for over 30 years now, Andre Provost. We are as different as can be, but I have always appreciated his simple perspective and his ability to hear from God.
As we were driving along and I was filling him in on my at that point 3 years of marital separation and misery, and how I couldnt reconcile why God did not seem to be coming through to heal the marriage, he said, "I feel God wants me to share something with you that He spoke to me a few weeks ago."
"OK.....Andre, can you TELL me??"
"I was driving to a church that supports us and got lost, even though I was using Ms. Google. It then said, "Recalculating......then gave me a new route to get where I was going. God spoke to me at that moment and said, "Thats what I do when my child sins or loses their way and goes off course. I instantly forgive when they turn to me and ask for My help. I meet them exactly where they are and reroute them and will do so until they come Home to Me."
It spoke to me deeply. I needed to let go of my regrets and disappointment, my need to control the outcome. I had to trust my Chief Navigator, that no matter what, He would come through, that He would never leave me or forsake me, that He would redirect my course if needed, regardless the outcome of if my marriage was or wasnt mended, redeeming everything, for my good and for His ultimate glory.
It was and still is the best illustration of one of my favorite life verses, Romans 8:28, where it says, "And we know that ALL things (good, bad, delightful, horrific...) work together for the GOOD of those who love God and are called according to His purposes..." His ultimate destination is working the nature of His Son into us. And He will use EVERYTHING, the bitter losses and disappointments, failures, .....incredibly....even sin....to make us into the ultimate "us" He called us to be. When our course is finished and we get to the other side, we will understand. But on this side?
I am convinced there is much, if not most, I will never understand. I cant begin to understand how a loved ones death or divorce or other tragedies can possibly be useful. In my mind, it just seems so so wrong. And the truth is, it is. God didnt say all things would be right. He just said that He would USE the wrong things as well.
He is God and He alone can do that.
Ive heard the story of Job debated for years. Was it Job's fear that allowed all the devastation from the devil? Why would God allow something so wrong as the death of his children? On and on it goes. As we know, after God revealed Himself, the second half of Job's life was majorly blessed. But something I noted when I last read through the book was that God never bothered to explain anything to Job, no answers to a single question Job had asked over the previous 30 some odd chapters. He just basically said, "Are you Me?....No?....Then just shut up and trust Me."
I am convinced that Job never understood on this side, and probably even now if we were to ask him, would still say, "I have no idea why that stuff all happened. But I DO know this: HE's God. I am not. And He is good."
He is altogether trustable. Whatever you have or are facing, never let go of His hand. He WILL lead you home, rerouting as needed, forgiving, somehow using it all.
Be encouraged,
Thank you!! Rom. 8:28 is a scripture I've been holding fast to as well. Man, I've missed your blogs!
Because of Him,
Posted by: Paula Segrest | July 28, 2016 at 04:39 AM
Great story and reminder of God's unfailing love!!! Thanks Pastor B.
Posted by: D Stemock | May 01, 2016 at 05:37 PM