In the 'internet age', it is stunning how much information cycles through our brains in a given day. I have never seen any statistics, but I am sure if you compared the amount to, say, 1950, it would be literally THOUSANDS of times more information every day that we are exposed to.
All that said, that multiplies the amount of pure 'bogus' stuff we all read as well. Yesterday, I passed on to some of our leaders an article about Willow Creek having shut down their Sunday services for the summer in order to cut costs.
As the day wore on, I got more and more disturbed, as I know this church pretty well and it just didnt ring true. So late last night, I went to their website, googled all I could, and guess what I found out after doing some digging??
Bogus. The article looked completely real, but was fake.
I wonder how many out there did NOT check it out and are now spreading via the internet a 'smear campaign' against a great leader and servant of Christ, Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Church?
You can be DOUBLE SURE I am checking stuff out much more closely now....
Proverbs 26:22 - "Rumors are dainty morsels that sink deep into the heart of others."
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